It is a testament to the quality of timber and workmanship that many heritage windows survive from the Georgian era. Their vulnerability often lies in the bottom rail joints and the cills, which can open up allowing decay to set in.
We repair timber frame windows using Repair Care Dry Flex resin which has been used for over 30 years on historic building such as Somerset House, Clarence House, Old War Office, British Museum and Grosvenor Hotel.
Heritage England have specified Repair Care Dry Flex for use for timber repairs on many of the nations most important listed and conservation houses.
Where required we renew hardwood cills or splice in new quality timber, bonded with Repair Care Dry Flex. Once a window has been expertly repaired, eliminating all its inherent weaknesses, it can last centuries to come.
Our team is experienced at restoring windows that appear beyond repair, which is both more economical and better environmentally than replacing with new windows.
Where required we can supply new hardwood British crafted sashes or complete windows to match your originals or with adaptations, if different glazing pattens are required.
Alongside our vacuum glazing and draught-proofing services it really is possible to restore your windows to outperform new windows for efficiency and longevity.